Monday, January 2, 2012

On to bigger and better things!

It's the 2nd of January and I'm pretty sure you can already guess what this post will be about. I was thinking of posting this yesterday or the day before, but I decided against that. There are already hundreds of other posts talking about love, light, prosperity, fertility, hangover and whatever else, either as a reflection towards the departing 2011, or as hope towards the newly-born 2012. The facet of the internet explored by the average user (a.k.a. The Procrastinator) is usually inundated by pointless videos of cute cats, babies doing baby stuff, silly stories that may or may not result in a giggle and reports of brainless individuals having outdone themselves once again. Yet, for just one day a year, everyone diverts their focus from all these things and talks about how terrible the previous year was and how much better the next one will be. I'm not sure if I feel relieved or nauseous...

Anyway, my goal here is not to be cynical, for a change. Or perhaps I should. Because in all honesty, I fall within that exact category of people that I listed earlier. The procrastinator who wastes his time sharing and reading pages about stupid kitten videos and now reports on how great 2012 will be, compared to 2011 that sucked arse!

This past year really did suck in many ways. In order to balance that out and avoid killing myself by overdosing on the most horrible food in the history of teeth, I incorporated various new elements that brightened my life. I ran triathlons, I got heavily involved with improv, I got a job... So yes, overall I had lots of good things going on for me and I'm not going to complain. But there were other facets of my life that were not what you would call pleasant and I'm not looking forward to reliving them.

As for this new year... I'm not going to sit down by the fire and tell you how 2012 will be filled with beautiful stories of unicorns, laughing children and pink bunnies in green fields. I couldn't possibly know. Do you think my toast on January 1st 2011 was: "Here's to a year filled with shitty situations, followed by partially redeeming excitement and joy."? Allow me to save you the trouble of playing the guessing game and tell you that no, that was not my toast.
All I aim to achieve in 2012 is to experience new moments. I want to meet people that will inspire me. I want to walk on paths that I have never visited before. I want to learn a new language. I want to practice a new art. By the end of the year, I want to have created a new snapshot of me, just as I did the year before and the year before that and so on.

Where does this leave me? Once again, not knowing what's going to come my way. I have ideas and desires and I'm certainly going to try and make things happen. But at the end of the day, I have no clue what I'll end up facing this year. Everything will be a surprise I prepare for myself and this really excites me. Blindfolding myself and running forward as fast as I can makes me feel exhilarated and alive. Believe me, it's worth trying!

I only know one thing for sure. My time in the US is reaching its epilogue. I don't know what/where/when, but I do know that the end of 2012 will not find me in the same continent. Other than that, the upcoming pages of my book are utterly blank. I'm looking forward to see what's in stock for me. Whatever it is, good or bad, I will embrace it with all my heart and turn it into the fuel I need to keep on going.

So here's to another 365 days that are guaranteed, once again, to surprise the shit out of me.

Happy new year!


P.S. I wanted to leave you with a song, but I couldn't come up with one that I considered suitable. What is one song you would associate with inspiration for things to come?

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