Tuesday, January 31, 2012

It's not all about me.

A year and a half ago I had invested in printing, mat-boarding and framing a number of photographs. The purpose of that was to setup a booth at some of the art markets around town and sell my photos there. This was far from my ideal situation of what I would consider as a successful step in my career and progress as a photographer, but I had to make ends meet somehow and, at least, I was not stuck in a depressing office, being a pencil pusher. This seemed like a good idea and I wanted to give it a try.

Working a booth at an outdoor market and trying to sell products to passer-bys had its pros and cons. I was out in the open, I spent my day socializing and meeting people, I would get to talk about my photos and my adventures... Unfortunately, the biggest disadvantage was a crucial one. Sales were not going as well as I hoped for. I managed to push some pieces, but not enough for me to have a sufficient income that would justify this "business" venture. Due to that, I had no choice but to stop doing the market booths and get a full time job instead.

Fast forward to today (well, 3-4 days ago) and I am stuck with a pretty big stock of prints, mat-boarded and/or framed. You see, I began my venture very ambitiously and didn't even consider the possibility that my work may not be as commercially appealing as I anticipated... I thought of organizing some sort of an artistic yard sale and try to give all remaining pieces away for whatever prices people were willing to pay. Unfortunately, that takes time and has absolutely zero guarantees (mainly given the fact that if it's not a cute, cheesy shirt for $3, people won't buy it at a yard sale).

Instead of desperately trying to make some money back from my investment, I decided to cut my losses and donate all my work to a worthwhile cause. I I looked around Austin, trying to find a non-profit that does fundraising auctions and after a brief search, I picked the Austin Humane Society, a shelter for abandoned dogs and cats. I contacted them, they said it would be a huge help to them, so that's how it was going to be.

(This is Seamus. He already has a home, but is adorable enough to earn a mention in a dog-shelter-related post.)

A couple of days later, I found myself loading up dozens of framed photographs into my car. I only kept a few that I are already on the walls of my apartment and some more that I wanted to give to friends as gifts. As I loaded all those frames in the car, I couldn't help thinking I had partially failed. I tried selling my art and I failed. I felt disappointed with myself and did not like the idea of giving up. At the same time, I knew at this point I had no choice, so I tried suppressing all those feelings and just cut my losses.

Soon after, I found myself at the administration office of the Humane Society and that's when it all suddenly changed. I saw the impressively maintained facilities they have, the numerous passionate volunteers working on-site and the excitement and gratitude with which the lady at the office received my photographs. Thanks to all this, I felt good about myself again. I may not be making any monetary profit out of those art pieces, but it doesn't matter. I donated them towards a cause I believe in and I know they will make a difference. In the end, they did serve a purpose far more important than getting a few extra bucks in my pocket. I could just have them sitting in my spare room, hoping that one day an Arab tycoon would knock on my door asking to purchase all my artwork. Instead, they will now make their way towards various homes in and around Austin and the proceeds will assist people who devote a lot of their time and energy in a cause they believe in but don't get anything in return.

This thought made it all worthwhile. Maybe it is slightly egoistic. Maybe I feel better about not having made any profit out of those simply because I now feel good about myself. Or perhaps, I am genuinely excited by the thought that items that could not provide me with what I needed have now become someone else's treasure. The circle of life of an inanimate object. Whatever the case, it doesn't matter. This feels right and nothing bad can come out of it. Reasoning and hypothetical scenarios have no place in one's joy.


Friday, January 27, 2012

Musical Cabbie

Only in Austin would a cab driver send a text message to a client of his at a completely random moment of the day, mentioning that his band will be playing at a downtown venue the following night!



P.S.: This is the first entry of the "Only In..." series. It dawned to me today that I often witness wacky moments that are very typical occurrences in a given city and would, most likely, not be seen elsewhere. Those moments may be taken for granted in their respective locations, but when it is pointed out how unique they are, compared to the rest of the world, they become hilarious.
Look out for more of these as they happen around me.

Monday, January 2, 2012

On to bigger and better things!

It's the 2nd of January and I'm pretty sure you can already guess what this post will be about. I was thinking of posting this yesterday or the day before, but I decided against that. There are already hundreds of other posts talking about love, light, prosperity, fertility, hangover and whatever else, either as a reflection towards the departing 2011, or as hope towards the newly-born 2012. The facet of the internet explored by the average user (a.k.a. The Procrastinator) is usually inundated by pointless videos of cute cats, babies doing baby stuff, silly stories that may or may not result in a giggle and reports of brainless individuals having outdone themselves once again. Yet, for just one day a year, everyone diverts their focus from all these things and talks about how terrible the previous year was and how much better the next one will be. I'm not sure if I feel relieved or nauseous...

Anyway, my goal here is not to be cynical, for a change. Or perhaps I should. Because in all honesty, I fall within that exact category of people that I listed earlier. The procrastinator who wastes his time sharing and reading pages about stupid kitten videos and now reports on how great 2012 will be, compared to 2011 that sucked arse!

This past year really did suck in many ways. In order to balance that out and avoid killing myself by overdosing on the most horrible food in the history of teeth, I incorporated various new elements that brightened my life. I ran triathlons, I got heavily involved with improv, I got a job... So yes, overall I had lots of good things going on for me and I'm not going to complain. But there were other facets of my life that were not what you would call pleasant and I'm not looking forward to reliving them.

As for this new year... I'm not going to sit down by the fire and tell you how 2012 will be filled with beautiful stories of unicorns, laughing children and pink bunnies in green fields. I couldn't possibly know. Do you think my toast on January 1st 2011 was: "Here's to a year filled with shitty situations, followed by partially redeeming excitement and joy."? Allow me to save you the trouble of playing the guessing game and tell you that no, that was not my toast.
All I aim to achieve in 2012 is to experience new moments. I want to meet people that will inspire me. I want to walk on paths that I have never visited before. I want to learn a new language. I want to practice a new art. By the end of the year, I want to have created a new snapshot of me, just as I did the year before and the year before that and so on.

Where does this leave me? Once again, not knowing what's going to come my way. I have ideas and desires and I'm certainly going to try and make things happen. But at the end of the day, I have no clue what I'll end up facing this year. Everything will be a surprise I prepare for myself and this really excites me. Blindfolding myself and running forward as fast as I can makes me feel exhilarated and alive. Believe me, it's worth trying!

I only know one thing for sure. My time in the US is reaching its epilogue. I don't know what/where/when, but I do know that the end of 2012 will not find me in the same continent. Other than that, the upcoming pages of my book are utterly blank. I'm looking forward to see what's in stock for me. Whatever it is, good or bad, I will embrace it with all my heart and turn it into the fuel I need to keep on going.

So here's to another 365 days that are guaranteed, once again, to surprise the shit out of me.

Happy new year!


P.S. I wanted to leave you with a song, but I couldn't come up with one that I considered suitable. What is one song you would associate with inspiration for things to come?